Saturday, 23 December 2006

More shopping!

I still haven't finish buying my work clothes. Deeply in need of more pants. And it is always so hard to get bottoms because finding the right fit is so difficult. When the waist fits, the hips are too tight. When the hips fit, the waist is too small. Trying out many different pieces of bottoms and going many different shops is a must when buying bottoms. Which makes buying so tiring.

Dear went out with me to on a clothes hunt again. I suddenly rem that a week is needed to alter the length of the pants and abt 10 more days was what I have left before starting work. So the urgency level is vey high. We went to Suntec becos Dear says the G2000 there is big and well-stocked. G2000 is a one-stop shop for smart and slightly ex but well-cut work clothes.

After trying a few pants and realising that I cannot really find a pair of suitable pants because I have really recently put on weight around my hips, I was in quite a foul mood. I decided to get a shirt that I wanted and think about the pants. But I needed an M size for the shirt and they only had L size on the display rack. So I wanted to ask the staff to help me. And the most unbelivable thing happened.

Me (holding a shirt in my hands) saw a male staff walking towards me. I smiled, looked at me and said Hi. The idiot continued to walk past me. I said in a louder voice, "Excuse me". And he didn't bother to stop or look at me. He just walked past right in front of me.

Am I transparent? I was just standing abt 30cm away from him! What kind of attitude is that?! Dear was standing a few metres away from me and he said he heard me, so how can that idiot not hear me? There was not any customer in the shop and it was dead quiet inside. All the staff were very free too, just walking around and acting busy. Nobody greeted us when we entered the shop. That's fine with me. But when I need help and you refuse to help me, that's ridiculous!

In the end I was so pissed that I walked out and went to other outlets to get the clothes. I bought the pants at Marina Square's G2000 and the shirt too. But they dun have my size and has to transfer from other outlets. Guess which outlet they transfer from? Suntec! Serve those ppl right! I get their clothes but I pay the money at other outlet. Yes I know the staff does not earn the money I paid, but hmph, now they have a lower sale record cos they lost a customer.

To Mr Attitude: Hello, u are paid to help customers, not to walk around ok. No wonder they say S'pore service sucks. Though there are good service, but the bad ones are really terrible. If you are a service stuff reading this, no matter which country u are in, I have this to say as a customer:

I dun need you to always be cheery and friendly when attending to me, but I expect you to at least be polite to me. That's the basic of any customer service.

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