Dear came back on sat night! Finally Dear is back! I missed him a lot a lot and was so bored when he was away. We went to church yest and later to his house. So nice to have Dear holding my hand and to be able to rest my head on his shoulder. And Dear brought back some snacks and a nice red jacket for me. But the thing that really make us both happy was a little soft toy dog key chain that looked like a fat version of Snoopy. I named the dog Grumpy cos it looked a little grumpy with its fat face and small slit eyes but it's not negative grumpiness, but cute grumpiness. Haha. Grumpy comes in a small snoopy can that Dear bought separately!
But the sad thing is that Dear has to go back to do work today so once again I'm left alone. And Dear is going back for a farewell lunch in wed too, so, I'm going to lose Dear again soon. Hai, i wan to spend a lot a lot of time with Dear. Little darling has been a neglected darling since last week...hai. And I guess it doesn't help that I'm not working, so I'm more bored than usual. Dear is going to bring me shopping and plan the day according to the 'To do list' that I've given him. Hopefully tml will be fun and fulfil me a little! heehee.
To give another piece of good news: Pull N Bear is having a sale!
I saw it the other day when I went out shopping and tml Dear is bringing me to take a look. The only sad thing is that the prices are only a little discounted, so not much difference. Cross my fingers that I can get some good buys! (though I have tell myself that I must save money)
And rem the Shrek ears I bought for Dear? Now my Tigger is wearing it!
Say hi to Roar Roar~so cute!
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