But to save the blog, I shall continue the writing while I try to train Dear to blog, haha. Been playing a lot of PS and Xbox games with Dear since it's quite a fun and cheap thing to do tog. And I think half the time, Dear is amused by how lousy I can be, heee. Thanks Dear for ur patience and hey, dun forget that I have the brains to play even if I dun have the brawn.
I bought a pair of shoes the other day at Chinatown. I said I won't buy anything but I just can resist the shoes, only ten bucks and so cute! The plus point is that they dun hurt, and I ALWAYS have blisters on my feet. So I never dared to buy covered shoes. Until this pair.
Say hi to my new kitten heels! This shall be one of the best buys ever!! S$!0!!
I think I'm finally getting a little sick of Bedok 85. The other time Dear and I went, we didn't order Bak Chor Mee! First time! Geez, shows how much we have been eating there.
Yes Mayday is coming to SG! And I bought the tickets! Though if I can, I really dun mind going over to Genting to watch them too, hee.
Went to JobsDB Career Fair the other day with Dear, no much results cos there no jobs for mass comm graduates. Going for NTU career fair and MICA, hope something will come out of it. And blur Dear strikes again! I told him to print his resumes and in the end, he printed 12 copies of the same exact resume with the same objective and innocently thot that he can give them to any employer. Duh!
And he was supposed to attend his whatever cousin's wedding in the evening. I had to force him to call home to check the time to meet and luckily I did force him. It turned out that the wedding was the next week!
The blurrest man I've ever met!!!! See if you want to take my advice next time I tell u about things anot, hmph.
And to continue the story of elmo and cookie monster from last time:

Hey partner, u having fun?
p.s. I took the photo at the window display of New Urban Male. They just looked so cute and fluffy. Guess they are a popular couple! wahaha
p.s Dear, u can be cookie monster. COOKIE~~~ I'm sweet little elmo ^ ^
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