Finally got the photos from Dear so that I can blog! About Vday, it's quite a simple and nice day. Went over to Dear's house and we cooked a meal together. Darling's bombastic spaghetti- had bacon, sliced pork and sausage in it. And a whole cheesy hotdog and slice of bacon to top of the large bowl of spaghetti.
Dear ate until he could only lie on the bed and massage his stomach! He didn't even touch much of the chicken soup. Good thing I didn't get garlic bread as well. But it's the glutton's fault. He was supposed to help cook the spaghetti and he was putting in the noodles and asked me 'is it enough'? I told him a bit more and he put in a bit more so I returned to preparing the meat. The next minute I raised my head to look at him again, he was still putting the noodles! See! Greedy!
Extra big serving of spaghetti topped with yummy ingredients
We finished off our Shrek Xbox game and I gave Dear a card for Vday. I had told him that let's keep it a simple affair, so I was not really expecting Dear to give me a present. So I was very excited when Dear presented me with a present but it turned out to be.....a book that I had already had! Dear had bought the wrong book for me and he never keep the receipt, so we can't go back to change the book. Wasted! So I've tried to sell it away, but so buyers....sian!
For dinner, we went to the Crab Shack at Thomson Road. And I also bought some swiss rolls from Dino, really good! And also a cheese tart that I ate half of it when walking to the Crab Shack, hee.
We sat outside by the street
Our table. Simple roadside shophouse feel they have a tea candle to up the ambience, haha. Our food arrive quite fast this time, moral of the story: come to the thomson branch to eat. There were flower crabs and so we ordered a 3 piece meal.
Got really tired of shelling the crabs after a while and Dear surprised me by teaching me how to shell the crabs properly and shelled them for me. So good of you ah, haha. Dear never really eat seafood so I was pleasantly surprised by his skill. More crab-eating sessions then with Dear!
Dear had a prawn baked rice and we ordered a crab au gatin to share. Yummy!
Dear had a prawn baked rice and we ordered a crab au gatin to share. Yummy!
Crabby! or Crabbies!
The table beside us had a bouquet of flowers and Rochers on it. I was guessing that the table was reserved by someone for a Vday dinner. True enough, we later saw a couple seating down at the table and the guy giving the flowers to the girl. So sweet of him right.
So overall, Vday was nice! Except the wrong present part, which is a major letdown to my day...
And the other day, I bought my friend to eat Ayam Penyat at Lucky Plaza. Quite nice but a little costly at $6. Good chilli too. Shall bring Dear to try some day!
Yest, I went for a writing test at the much coveted job place! Yippie. Dear was supposed to pick me up after my test and bring me out for lunch. But that horrible pig overslept and I had to wait for him. See if you dun wan to listen to my instructions next time!
We went to try this new place in Raffles City called Shokuda restuarant or something. It's like Marche but serving Japanese food. The food was not too bad although they tasted very standard. I was very hungry yest! Even after eating a grilled chicken bowl, I was still hungry.
So I decided to buy a bowl of ramen to eat and to share with Dear. I ordered char siu ramen and there was only about 2 pieces of meat in the bowl! I was so distressed that I contemplated taking the bowl back to ask the person but Dear stopped me. I was so sad ok! Imagine a hungry person who tries to find food and he has find it, realised that the food is not nice at all or cheats him of what he thought it was. So sad right! I almost felt like crying lor. A bit dramatic but food is close to my heart mah, and I was hungry!
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