Sunday, 14 September 2008


A bit late but here are the photos of our dinner last time at MOF.

My dinner set. Fried chicken with that pot of seafood stew. Gave greedy Dear all my shellfish.

I was too hungry and busy eating my set to take photo of Dear's, haha. But the pot of green tea they provided was very cute. So white and clean!

And somehow I felt so English having tea from all that crockery. Thot it was a Jap restaurant?

Today Dear bought a skirt for me! Yippie! I hope the bruises on my knees will heal fast so that I can wear the skirt. I just bought another 2 clothes yest, hai, have been spending too much.

Dinner was lousy at Pasta Mania. Their usual dishes are fine but dun try the new ones without being sure they taste good! I tried their seafood in white wine or something and it was terrible. The pasta was soupy, tasteless, and lousy scallops were used. Such an unsatisfying dinner!

And again, Dear was mean and bully me. Not only did he bully me, he also was unhelpful. I asked him to help resell our stuffs on ebay and he kept on grumbling.

And..he never update this blog by himself for very long already!


Not like Dear Dear 1 who always know how to make me happy.

Yup, I shall not embed Dear Dear 1's new song to torture u, but a new song is out and it's cute! The link is here anyway:

I heard it on the radio once while driving the other time, but just the song and I didn't noe the singer.

It felt like Dear Dear 1 but because the song was so happy and cute and so like the Dear Dear 1 of the old days that I didn't dare to believe that it was him though I was attracted to the song.

And it is Dear Dear 1! : )

How I miss him now!

[Lyrics] 開天窗

一隻鯨魚 要怎麼放進冰箱

打開門 然後用力關冰箱

然後呢 如果你還想要 放一隻大象

一份希望 要怎麼放進心臟

如果你 活的有一點悲傷

答案是 用力丟掉鯨魚 用力甩悲傷

是誰說半夜不能吃便當 是誰說彩虹不能長頭上

是誰說藍色就等於憂傷 你看看天空和海洋 (how true, everything's a matter of perspective, hmm)


逆風時 就當成 在衝浪

沒有風的時候那就讓我 開開天窗

一句歌詞 怎麼讓你很難忘 方文山 林夕和我都在想

想破頭 也鑽不進一個 緊閉的心房

一個難題 要用多少的智商 多少淚 還有多少的盼望 多少人 變成緊閉門窗 孤獨的國王

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