Sunday, 1 February 2009

CNY break

We have been on a long leave becos of the CNY break. So with the ang pow money that we got, we decide to fulfil Dear's fantesy of playing the sweet catching machine which you can earn points and eventually win a big prize when you get to the jackpot. I don't noe wat's a good name for it.

We spent $57 playing the game at Suntec's arcade and in the end, we got more than 1kg of seats and a Mickey bag (below) and Mickey baby towels.

And since Dear has been so obsessed looking at arcade gaames recently, we saw this cute little Pooh bear the other day. Dear insisted I helped it to take a photo because it is not wearing any clothes. -_-''

Both of us finally got our credit cards! And while I'm feeling slightly moody from the 'boring' break, the one thing good thing that happened this week is that Dear finally accepted God.

And therefore, maybe..maybe..Dear is really my future husband. I think the light can be seen now....hurhur.

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