Saturday, 25 April 2009

Sydney, Australia Day 3

Sydney, Australia Day 3:

Today is Shopping Day. But unfortunately woke up late at 9 plus...

the view from my room. compare it to the night pic on day one

paid 17 bucks for a day tripper card. this is their train station. really ma chan like in the movies - old and rundown

went to shop at DFO. equivalent to FOS here. prices ain't exactly cheaper but I got 5 shirts for less than 50 bucks. that's quite a buy

travelling in the train. this is what you get from the scenary. nice~

one of the train station. and the sun is so nice to be at the backdrop

some arty farty pictures walking along the streets...

where flowers can just dangle above the heads

my fetish for old buildings

one of their churches

the evening scene. which is like only around 6pm?

the long journey to dinner... destination is like somewhere at the end of the light...

the streets at night

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