Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Operation Storm

It's my off day today and I was supposed to spend it with Dear but in the end, he was too busy at work to spend the time with me.

And he told me to blog about something since it's been a while since I update the blog. The cheek of him! U cannot blog urself ah!

So with spare time on my hands and since the bottle of leather moisturiser I ordered arrived in the mail this morning, I decided to take some care of my bag.

Operation Storm* begins:

The before photo: I love my tempete but some parts of its leather looks so dry that I'm so scared it'll crack.

Tempete posing with the leather moisturiser before the operation begins.
And the operation begins. Step 1: Shake the bottle well and squeeze some moisturiser out on a piece of clean cloth.

Step 2: Apply the moisturiser on the bag. Always test it first on a hidden area to see if the leather reacts adversely.

The after photo: I know Dear will not see any difference but the leather seems not so dry to me now.

I didn't want to condition my Guess leather bag but I decide I must be partial to my bags, so it got some conditioning too!
Thank you for reading Darling's tutorial on how to moisturise your bag.

*tempete is known as storm colour. U stupid dear!

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