Monday 18 June 2012

Jasper's Cafe

Dear may not be a foodie like me who visits food blogs to suss out where are the good eating places but occasionally, he has good recommendations that surprises me.
*though of cos, he usually gets those recommendations from his friends*

So we found ourselves in this little cafe at Kembangan. I was informed by Dear that the place is run by a brother and sister team.

Don't think that the cafe looks plain and boring. You'll see the cuteness of the place a few steps into the cafe.

Bright pink and white theme with a cute doggie to boot!

We tried their signature chicken pie, which was rather good. The crust was flaky without being too messy and the savoury filling had a very homemade fill to it. 

 And spicy wings. Not as spicy as the typical buffalo wings. The rendition is sweeter here, but still burns the tongue. What I love is how crispy the skin was.

A cupcake to round up the meal. The chef here loves baking, it seems. One of the chefs was bringing out trays of cupcakes in different flavours even though it was past 8pm on a weekday night when we were there.

The strength of this place is that the prices are reasonable and the food has a homely feel.

It has already build up a pool of regular customers in the neighbourhood since it opened late last year. The owner was chatting to different groups of customers as they come and go during the evening.

p.s I forgot to upload the photo of their fish and chips, which is really the star of the place. Two big pieces of fish fried in batter which has a very savoury taste. Yes, even the batter has flavours. And fried til the fish has a thin crispy crust. I consider it my fav fish and chips in Sg. Must try!

Jasper's Cafe

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