I didn't work on Sat so I got to meet Dear early in the afternoon. Went to his house again and becos the weather is so hot these few days that I persuaded Dear to get a new fan for his room. His old one is really quite useless. We went to the nearby Tampines Mall to see if we can get a fan. I didn't noe that fans were quite expensive and we end up not buying anything as I didn't want Dear to waste his money. But I ended up spending money. I needed to get a blazer for work and we saw this sale in a shop that sells a blazer suit for only $79. Was so happy at finding such a good deal!
On Sun, we didn't go to church as we had to attend Dear's brother's son one-month-lunch-party. The buffet was not bad and Dear brought back a lot of the mango pudding desserts. The baby was quite cute but seeing him just reaffirms that my mother instincts have nit kicked in yet and I just want to be a carefree woman who is not tied down by a baby. Trying again to get a fan, we went to the newly opened Tampines Giant but found out that the fan model we wanted was out of stock. Argh.
I cooked spagetthi with minced pork and chopped chilies for dinner. We wanted to try pesto sauce since I got a free bottle at a lunch tasting that I went to. But the jar leaked in my office drawer and I threw it. So we just looked in his house and cooked whatever we can find. It was nice cooking for Dear although I dun really like to cook but I do like to meddle around in the kitchen, haha. Dear said it was not bad. Hopefully next time when we cook, that lazy pig will not only eat but also offer to do the dishes. Hee..
Wonder what are we going to do this weekend?
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