So I shall have the not so honourable honor of blogging this entry.
The other day, Dear came to pick me up from work and we went to eat dinner/supper at Geylang. So Dear said he wanted to eat durians so we went to his Wonderful durian stall to eat. Dear went to order the durian and came back with.....
This $32 durian! Apparantly it is the king of the Mao Shan Wang species. Hai, I shall not say anymore in case Dear complains that I complaint abt him..but...who will pay so much for a durian?!
Taste wise, it is not bad but I'm not so sure if my tastebuds can feel that the durian is really of a heavenly status. Tsk tsk.

I wanted to bring Dear to eat this fried chicken buffet in Chinatown last week but alas it was not open, so we settled for a buffet at MacDonald instead.
We ordered onion rings and by the time we ate to the last few rings, I could not help noticing how the onion rings form this picture. I was so fasinated by it and took a photo, haha, cheap thrill.
And no, the photo did not went through photoshop and we didn't position the onion rings to look like this. Wahaha.
Yest Dear said that Downtown East had just finished renovations and suggested that we go there for dinner. Nothing fantastic except that it has a lot of food outlets and a commercialised money-cheating Cadbury ferris wheel.
And the famous chicken rice stall there has rented a shop space and now is a shop of its own. The place was super crowded with no crowd control at all. Quite scary. There was no one to help customers to find seats and what it means that customers have to stand around the small shopto look and wait for seats themselves. Hope all these problems will be solved soon or else eating chicken rice there will be a nightmare during peak hours.
The only fantastic thing was...I found a bear that looks exactly like my crazy bear! So Dear bought it for me and I plan to bring it to my office. So happy to find an identical bear! It's now called Nutcase Bear. Heeheee
Hey who are u? You look exactly like me! Except that you have a swimming float.
You are my bro? All right then, let's share toys. Give me ur float now! Hand it over!
And in the bedroom nursery, there's another conversation going on...
Hey you heard that there's a new bear in the hse? I hope he is not another nutcase...
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