Friday, 8 May 2009

Koh Samui day 2

Koh Samui, Thailand: Day 2

It was a trip of abt 14 travel agents and 2 journos. So naturally the two of us stick tog. Luckily we could get along quite well.

Before we left the hotel for the day's programme, we went out to the streets for a short walk after breakfast.

The streetview. Lots of 24hrs convenience stores on the island.

The first thing I bought in Koh Samui? A nail clipper at the convenience store. Lucky they sold it. Becos I chipped my nail and it was splitting in half. Needed to trim it urgently. Ouch!

Where Superman will change if he is in Koh Samui.

And I came across these two doggies. Notice at the top left corner of the photo, there's a corner of a shop front?

I walked further up to that corner and a tiny kitten was hidden there, couching and peeking at the dogs. So cute right? Like it was secretly observing the two big dogs.

After walking around, it was time to visit the different hotels. The beach.

One of the street markets at tourists attractions.

One of the attractions was the Monkey training school. Monkeys are trained there to pluck coconuts.

Once you enter, you can see a chained monkey swinging by a tree.

There is also a monkey show staged three times a day. Some of the stunts include playing basketball.

And also spinning fire rods. I wonder if animal activists will be unhappy. But I felt sad for the poor monkey. I wonder if it has burnt its paws before during training :(

Another attraction that I think Dear will be excited about.

Apparently there is a rock formation called Grandfather and Grandmother rocks that are shaped like the male and female anatomy.

Picture shows the Grandfather rock.

Grandmother rock is supposed to look like the vagina but lazy to post its photo here. Anyway, Grandfather rock is more 'obvious' as to what it's supposed to resemble.

Legend has it that years ago, an old couple was shipwrecked in the waters at Samui and turned into the rocks.

After that it was time to check into the hotel of the night before dinner.

The hotel room was the highlight of the day! :)

During the afternoon, we were visiting the pool villa room of another hotel and our guide told us that we were going to stay in the same room but even bigger.

One of the guys were so shocked and asked: "You mean each one of us will stay in a room like this? With a pool in the room? Alone? You sure?"

And he was so happy that we all laughed at him haha. Yes, that's how excited we all were.

Hotel of the night: Nora Buri Resort & Spa

My room, I mean villa: After entering from the door, a mini garden walkway before entering the room.

The bed.

Private pool! And chairs to lounge on. Too bad Dear was not here. Without Dear, I only dared to stay at the edges of the water :p

At the back of the room, there's a huge wooden door that leads you to a huge bathroom. There's a bathtub and nice sink area. To the right of the sink is an indoor shower.

And on the other side of the bath tub, there's an outdoor shower. So nice! I took a quick shower there before trying out the private pool.

And opposite the door to the outdoor shower is the toilet. No doors. I noticed that in Koh Samui, the toilet is always very open concept.

Enjoying the pool!

And then after dinner, I came back to dip naked in the pool at night. Quite cool haha.
After dipping in the pool, I dipped in the bath tub before showering in the indoor shower.
Don't waste the ample choice of bathing facilites! Haha.

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