Friday, 26 June 2009

Taiwan Day 7

Taiwan Day 7

Last day in Taiwan :(

We decided to take a bus to the airport in the end as the bus terminal was very near to our hotel.

The pleasant surprise at the airport was that there was a Hello Kitty shop and waiting area at our departure gate!

Hello Kitty fans will be so happy.

We had to transit at HK airport which turned to be a nightmare for me.

I didn't mind shopping around at the HK airport but the transit was 3 hrs and it tooked us half the day to arrive back at Singapore when Taiwan is only abt 6 hours away from Singapore. Tsk Tsk.

I bought a few magazines at the airport, including Dear, who wanted to buy FHM so that he can know more about other countries' culture.

I think I'm a very nice gf to allow him to buy this kind of staff lor.

We had dinner at Cafe de coral because it was the cheapest eating option. My pork bone soup ramen.

Dear's curry chicken rice.

And after that, it was home sweet home...

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