Friday, 26 June 2009

Taiwan Day 6

Taiwan Day 6

We took the train again this morning after another breakfast of Mister Donut. The destination today was Leofoo Village.

But it turned out that we had to face a harrowing chain of circumstances.

I had researched for directions to Leofoo Village which tell me to take the MTR and switched to a bus. But Dear asked our receptionist for directions and she suggested the fastest way was to take a railway train and then take the theme park's shuttle bus.

So Dear thought that we should trust the local's directions instead of directions found online. Dear's rationale made sense though I thought that the local's directions did not make too much sense. But I thought we should be able to trust a local so I didn't protest.

So off we went in the morning to take a long railway ride.

Finally we bought their railway bian dang.

The automated railway ticketing machine which is....not user friendly..

So after we bought the tickets, we went down to the platform to take the train. But alas we took the wrong train so we had to detour back to Taipei Main Station.

This also means that we missed our original train. So we panicked and asked the staff for directions.

We met a weird uncle who don't understand why we asked how to go up to the platform because we just have to take the stairs, a helpful uncle who confused us by insisting we change our tickets to seated tickets; and the platform staff which tells us that we don't have to change and we just have to hop on the next train.

Such a traumatising morning for us. And we were rather pissed at the lack of directions and system for their railway transport.

The retro railway station at the more rural areas

So after a long morning we finally reached the designated train station only to realise that the shuttle service has stopped. And we had to take a cab to the theme park. Wah lau.

After a 700 NT cab ride, we arrived at Leo foo village.

There were some animals in the African Safari section of the park. And they have white tigers there too.

There was a monorail that brings you around to see the animals. But the best was the safari bus that brings you into the animal enclosures like lions to see them upfront. So that was quite cool.

We took turns to feed the goats. The goat ran to the barrier and kept trying to stick its head out in anticiaption of food once it saw us coming near it.

At the end of the day, we took a super long bus ride back (because of the evening traffic) and a MTR ride. We spent the night ploughing through the small alleys of Ximending that we didn't visit.

And we ate from a few new snack stores that were yummy.

As the shops closed, it was time to back to pack as we were leaving the next day.

But it was quite easy to pack since we did not buy much on this trip, hurhur.

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