Last Sat, we wanted to go jogging but it seems like the whole of Jurong was closed for YOG so we ended up in the KFC of the sports stadium for a light lunch. Talk about the irony. Then we decided to go prawnfishing in Ponggol to while away time, and cook our prawns for dinner.
The prawning was quite disastrous initally. I think we only caught 2 prawns in the first hour. We rented a rod for three hours. So I sat there as Dear was fishing, watching everyone else haul up a prawn regularly.
I asked myself how come we are always so lousy and how come we always come back to prawn despite our incompetence. Things got better when Dear decided to switch bait. We caught another two soon after switching. We were so bad that the staff, a China man, came over and gave us a crash course on prawn fishing.
It was quite embarrassing, in my opinon, as it is not the first time a staff has to teach us. And things became great when an uncle who was prawning near us gave his rod because he has to leave ahead of his time. He gave Dear some tips too, he said to go to the bridge in the pond and literally place the bait in front of the prawns.
So with two rods now, we practised what the uncle taught. And I amazed myself! I think I caught like maybe 5 prawns in forty minutes! Dear was amazed at me too. I was hauling in prawn after prawn. There was even one instance when I just threw in the line and a prawn just bite the bait immediately! So fun! But fun things end too soon and we had to return our rods soon.
I must say luckily we had a run in the last hour, or else we will be pitiful again. This time, our catch was 12 prawns!! It's our highest catch ever, although of cos it pales in comparison to the pros. So we drove to Dear's house after packing the prawns in plastic bags.

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