Tuesday 5 May 2015

The Big 3

I remembered that it was some time ago that Dear celebrated his big 3, and now it is my turn *OH NO!*

It is quite a sucky feeling so I guess it is just as well that Dear planned a lousy celebration. Sorry Dear!

Dear was on reservist for two weeks during my bday so it was hard on him, and also hard on me because he couldn't come home on some nights.

So coming back to my bday celebration, Dear brought me to high tea at the Anti:dote after a big hoo-ha on not being able to get a table earlier because he couldn't be bothered to make reservations earlier.

Anyway, so here we are at Anti:dote. Very nice tea set. Makes me wanna go out and buy one set for myself!

There are two tea sets- both are largely the same and the only differnce is that one comes with an English starter and the other with a Chinese starter.  So the English style is truffle eggs with cheese soldiers. Very yum. 

The starter for the Chinese menu is dimsum, which tastes all right.

Finally the star is served. The unique selling point about the high tea set here is that it is served in a chest of drawers. It is a modern take on the traditional three-tier set. 

 Pull out each drawer to see the goodies within. The top layer, exposed on the top of the chest are sweets. The first drawer are the savoury pastries. The second drawer contains scones and sauces such as lemon curd and home made strawberry jam.

 The third layer contains two cookies that have been packed nicely for you to bring home. So sweet!

After the high tea, we went walking around in Robinsons at Raffles City when we got approached by a promoter to say that there will be a styling demonstration of a high tea and invited us to it. Goodie bags will be given away after the demonstration. We saw that the goodie bags were in WMF bags and the uncle and auntie in us really did hang around for the styling demonstration. OOPS, kinda cheap skate.

But the reward for being a cheapskate, or I rather say a smart consumer, was two bottles of Mrs Bridges sweets, a WMF cheese cutter and a mug. Not too bad, I say.

We then went home and stop by a ulu kitchenware shop to look for plates. Yes, we still do not have a full set of plates and bowls. And we still didn't get any because the ones I wanted was out of stock.

I can't remembered if we mopped the floor after we got home. Household chores still have to be done even though it was a special day.

I remembered we hung around working on our laptops (Dear looking at Taobao) before it is time for Dear to prepare dinner. He has volunteered to cook me a steak dinner.

Dear's homecooked bday dinner for me. Steak with mashed potatoes from IKEA, mushroom soup from Marks and Spencer and rocket salad drizzled with sesame sauce. 

And that was it, a very simple celebration that I did shows the change in our circumstances- we are now boring uncles and auntie!

Ok lah, for now. Cos at least I am damn shagged from all the housemoving and house cleaning. We still have a final batch of furniture expected to arrive this weekend and we should be done for the house.


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