Monday 16 July 2012

To the zoo

We have always talked about making use of our corporate pass to visit the Singapore Zoological Gardens and we finally did so.

The weather was great that day as it had rained in the morning.

And I realised that there is now a ferry service in the zoo!

The main aim of the visit was to bring our Olympus Pen EP3 out for some photography fun. I called the theme of the day 'Wildlife Photography'. Haha. 

In the end, it was quite a boring trip. I don't know if the rain dampened the mood of the animals or they were too bored from being kept in the zoo. Most of the animals were taking afternoon naps or lounging at the back of their enclosures. So we couldn't really see much.

Here are the shots that I think were good that day:

Tea time for the kangaroos. 

 And Baby Roo is being emo.

Land ahoy!

 This is my fav shot of the day. I still can't figure out what does KFC has to do with the zebras.

 I don't think anyone will be afraid of this cheetah, even though it has balls. LOL. 

Cute little lamb. 

And now for the sad stuff. I took this photo and felt the pony looked so sad. His stable is really small and I don't think he is let out often to walk. Suddenly I felt so sad for animals who are caught and put into zoos. 

See, they can only stuff themselves while being trapped in the small stables. 

This one is a bit looney. He grants and charges at everyone outside his stable. 

Ok, it is a bit odd to have this pic of the sea lion out of the blue. But it has patches on its skin and was still performing at the animal show. Isn't that sad as well?

This trip to the zoo has make me rethink the ethical issues of catching animals for zoos. Dear said this is the only way our children can see what these animals look like. 

I guess the crux of the matter is that most of them are caught from the wild. I think I would agree that transplanting these animals into such a small space would be torturous. 

Maybe the movie Madagascar does have some educational value after all. Run, animals, run!

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