Thursday 30 August 2012

Singapore Night Festival 2012

After dating for more than six years, there's only so may new activities or places to check out as a couple. So while it is not our cup of tea, I suggested to Dear to visit the Singapore Night Festival this year. I guess working near the event venues has also piqued my interest to see what exactly is the event about.

According to its official website, the Singapore Night Festival is "a nocturnal extravaganza of spectacular aerial performances, music, dance and installation artworks at the heart of Bras Basah".

And with the museums offering free admission to Singaporeans in the month of August in celebration of National Day, Dear and I also paid a visit to the Singapore Art Museum (SAM) during the day.

Setting up the lights in the court yard of SAM.

 Which was transformed to this when dusk fell. 

The light up at the exterior of the museum. The light displays were constantly changing and morphing into different themes. I know the lights look white and boring now but I didn't stay long enough to capture a better looking picture.

Since this was around the corner, we also visited it. There were short films screening in one of the rooms and we watched a very cute animation about a boy's journey to bring a penguin back home to the South Pole. 

The retro staircases in the museum with funky drawings.

One of the night light displays at the museum is the Gold fish display at the first floor, which as you can see, attracted many kids. The Japanese restaurant at the museum was also packed. One of the rare occasions that they had such good business.

The second light display are these huge balloons which reminds me of the human eyeball :p

The coming weekend will be the last installation of the Singapore Night Festival 2012. So it's the last chance to catch it this year if you are interested!

My takeaway factor from the trip was that indeed, art is anything that a person calls art because it is so subjective. Maybe I should believe the Dear is talented in this area when he tells me he is an artist. Hmm... 

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