Wednesday 5 September 2012

The Best Dear

While I like to make jibes at Dear, he is a wonderful partner. Since I started a list of his silly moments, I think it is also fair that he gets credit for his good work.

I lost my Ez-Link card on Mon when making my way to his brother's house for an impromptu mahjong session *cries*

When I discovered the loss yest, Dear sent me to the station to ask the staff if anyone found (Ok, I requested him to drive me there).

Quite expectedly, there was no sight or news on my card. Then Dear suggested to go back to the carpark at his brother's house to check if I had threw away the card in the plastic bag of my takeaway dinner.

I was quite convinced I did not place the card in the plastic bag, careless as I may be. And I was pretty sure the cleaners would have cleared the dustbin.

Also, taking out the rubbish is such an unglam and dirty thing to do.

But Dear insisted that we should try everything and we drove there.

Miraclously, the dustbin wasn't cleared and the plastic bag of the one-day old dinner was still there. Dear stuck his hand into the bin, pulled out the bag and opened it to ensure that my card was not in there.

And he brought me out for dinner after that to make me feel better. : ) 

SO TOUCHED WOR. I think this is as one of the most heroic acts that Dear has done for me.

Love you more lah, dear!

So, the card wasn't in the bag. And I can officially declare my card is lost. Bummer.

IF you see a card that is silver in colour, and is a special design to commemorate the opening of the Circle Line, PLS let me know. 

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