Thursday 1 November 2012

Durian 'lao ban' Beancurd Pudding

Dear and I did many things over the long weekend. Besides our Jap lessons, we also squeezed in a session of badminton, and did some home cooking.

I finally made my durian beancurd pudding. We didn't take photos as we were both busy making the pudding together. But it's simple, make a durian puree and add it into the beancurd mixture. Refer to the recipe of the original flavoured here.

What I did for the durian beancurd was to mix durian (peeled them off from the seeds), with some water and milk (I didn't add that but I think you should) and mashed them up to get the durian puree. Doing it in a blender will be most helpful.

Then I poured the durian puree into the beancurd mixture that was already boiling in the pot and stirred them together.When the mixture in the pot is ready, remember to sieve it as you pour it into the bowls to cool down. This will prevent any durian pulp from being transferred to the bowls.

I also omitted the coffeemate in the original recipe so that my durian beancurd uses as many natural ingredients as possible.

Here is our accomplishment:

The colour looks the same as the original flavoured ones, lol. But it's slightly more yellowish in real life.

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