Friday, 26 June 2009

Taiwan day 2

Taiwan Day 2

Next morning we proceeded to C.K.S Memorial Hall.

The streets below our hotel.

And the MTR stairs that we have to climb every day. No lifts or escalators!

Breakfast at this famous lu rou fan place.

Ate the lu rou fan and rou geng. The rice was excellent! Pity we didn't get to eat it again. Even Dear who has picky tastebuds said it was nice. The meat was so fragrant! *Saliva drools*

After breakfast, we continued on the walk to the memorial hall. Taiwan is a motor-biker heaven.

Tadah! We are there!

And we managed to catch the changing guard ceremony.

One of the guards dropped his rifle during the performance. After he went to his platform to stand guard, we saw his supervisor walking over to examine his gun. Haha.

The statute that they are supposed to protect. Must be quite sian and tiring to do the guard duty lor.

After that we went to Din Tai Fung to eat lunch. Xiao long bao!

Chicken fried rice

Dumplings in special sauce

We were quite full from the food. It was around $27 for the meal, cheap!

And the service was good. The staff was very courteous and can even speak fluent Japanese.

But again, no lifts! We had to climb three storeys up a narrow staircase to get to our seats cos the first two levels were full.

After that, we turn round the corner to eat Ice Monster!

It was quite expensive but nice. Very cooling, especially with the fans blowing at us. No wonder it is a popular dessert place in the summer.

After that it rained, and we braved it back to our hotel to take a break and do some underground mall shopping. The shopping was not very good although the shoes were cheap. But they were not nice.

So we ended playing and wasting money on the games machines.

The machines in Taiwan are more fun that Singapore- you really can have a chance at catching a toy.

And the kind shop assistant will often help you place the toy in an easy position if you have been at it for a while.

And these are the results of Dear's catching exercise.

The rain cleared and we moved on to Danshui. Quite a nice place although we got there late and then got lost, so we missed seeing the harbour in daylight and sunset.

One of the shops selling Tie Dan, a famous snack at Danshui

The streets

Snacks like the BBQ sotong. Which tasted so-so only.

We saw a muesum of interesting things and Dear wanted to go in and see.

Guess what this is....It's the genital of an elephant. Li hai wor.

There were two pythons in an enclosure and....we saw one of the snakes eating a bird! It was like a real-life documentary.

The keeper threw a live bird into the enclosure and the pythons just squeezed the bird with its body and sink its fangs into it.

Dear wanted to stay on to see how it swallow a whole bird. :p

I got the photos but shall not post it here, alas the blog get complained for posting disturbing photos.

After we came out of the musuem, we went to eat Ah Gei- vermicilli in tua pok.

It's drenched in something like a sweet and sour sauce. Taste so-so.

The Fisherman's man bridge that we eventually reached. Quite a nice place I think. We saw couples taking their wedding photos.

After that, it was time to go to the famous Shilin night market.

I didn't take much photos cos was busy eating and shopping.

Ate the Hao Da Ji Pa and long sausage etc. Loved the sausage and garlic the most! The combi rocks!

Dear spent quite some time playing at the games stall. So we had to come back another night to comb the market, it's that huge.

While there's a lot of clothes for women and they are quite cheap, somehow, it wasn't that fun shopping there.

Maybe becos the shopowners do not really give discounts. Takes away the fun of shopping and bargaining.

And maybe becos Dear was still a little sick. So we were unable to enjoy that much.

Rifle shooting game stall. Something that we've never seen before.

Dart throwing game stall. That's a horror.

Dear saw a dragonball figurine that he wanted so he wanted to try. But the hole that he had to shoot at was very small and I think he had to fire 300 darts before he finally win.

I bet the stall owner must be very happy to have such a customer.

Each game entitles you to a bowl of darts. I think Dear shot like 5 bowls of these.

Dear shot everwhere except the circle. Sigh. Wonder what kind of army training he had. Meowahaha.

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