Today is city shopping day. We were supposed to visit another memorial hall but Dear felt so tired that we sleep in til around 10am.
Lucky we did that, for he sort of got well after having ample rest.
After breakfast at 7-11 opposite our hotel, we went to the city hall area.
First stop was to Sogo and then to some toy shops but they were not opened. Grr.
Toys in Taiwan are expensive. So Dear didn't get any this time. Dun be too sad Dear, I'll bring you to HK to shop again haha.
We also went to Eslite book store and Xin Guang San Yue.
And Dear ate his fav Macdonald to see how diff it is. Duh. But I told Dear to buy me KFC, hehe.
We also tried the famous pepper chicken bun, which Dear think all right only. I bought steamed dumplings, not too bad.
But the surprise of the night was this cold intestines in a spicy sauce. Quite nice.
Only minus point is that the song request system was not very user friendly. Dear kept eating the buffet food that was included in our package.
We sang til about 1am I think. By time we bathe and settle down to sleep, it was around 3am.
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