Friday, 26 June 2009

Taiwan day 4

Taiwan Day 4

The plan today is go to Yang Ming Shan to admire the scenary. After waking up, we grab a quick breakfast at Mr Donut as there were no breakfast shops open in our hotel area. :p

The donuts were quite nice although slightly pricey. So we've eaten another brand of donut besides JCo, Krispy Creme and Donut Factory!!

At Yang Ming Shan bus interchange. The bus ride was about 1 hr.

Dear looking at the maps at the office. They don't provide maps lor.

While we were discussing which spots to visit, a girl came up to ask us for directions. She must have heard us talking for she spoke to us in English in a Singaporean accent, hahaha.

We grab a quick lunch at the nearby 7-11 in case we can't find food outlets on the mountain.

Dear ate his cold noodles again. We shared the Yakult which is so big. But I love Yakult so I don't mind haha. Somemore drink more, can visit the toilet with more ease. Hee.

I was more adventurous and tried the stewed meat rice. Not that nice as I imagined it would be.

The butterfly corridor which we hiked 1km into the woods to see. It took us about 30 mins to walk in lor. Lucky the weather was cool on the mountains although it was summer. So it was not too hot walking so much.

The wind was so strong that the fur of the dog was being windblown. Not that obvious in photos but in real life, you can see the long fur moving, so cute.

Next place that we visited was the volcano hole. Actually nothing much, only lots of fogy sulphur dioxide.

Because we reached Yang Ming Shan at around noon, we were only advised to visit these two places as the last bus down the mountain was at 5pm.

We bought this Tong Lou Shao ice cream. Wonder if Doraemon will like it. So cold!

We took the bus ride down the mountain and it was like a rollar coaster ride! The ride was very bumpy as the bus went down the winding mountain road.

Because we had to stand as there were no available seats, we had to use all our arm and leg muscles to balance and hang on for dear life. It was very exhausting!

After we took the bus to Xinbeitou MTR, we got into a shuttle bus to take us to Asia Pacific Spa Resort. Yep, we are going for a hot spring!

The shuttle bus driver was quite nice. We didn't notice the bus as it was only a mini van while we were expecting a bus.

He saw us staring at the shuttle bus signboard and came down to ask us if we are going to the resort.

Lucky he did that or else we'll have the shuttle service!

The spa resort

We ordered food along with the hot spring package. And I took a mini steamboat set.

The soup base was quite bland but it was nice. It was very sweet. Dear couldn't stop stealing sips of it.

Dear ordered a waffle set. The thick waffle was crispy outside and soft inside. Not bad!

Our private outdoor hot spring room.

The water was 41 degree celsius. Very hot! We had to add cold water to it.

And the hot spring must have done something to my blood circulation for my menses came the next day. It was only supposed to come a week later :p

After the hot spring, we went to Gong Guan to shop. Things are quite expensive althought the stuff was quite nice.

Bought a milk tea that I loved. I think it's my fav milk tea in Taiwan. But sadly Dear didn't try it. All becos he saw the seller pouring milk into the cup. *_*"

Stopped at one of the eateries to eat. This is supposed to be a famous eatery.

The auntie said that their Za Jian Mian is their main draw. So we tried it. But all rite lah.

The famous Che Lun Bing. Prefer the red bean flavour which you can see the red beans in the paste.

Dear wanted to try the Xian Yu Xian dessert. Quite nice and cooling.

They give this beeping device after you order so that you can know when to pick up your food. I think the Jurong Point food court must have copied this idea.

After exploring Gong Guan, we went over to Shida night market.

We saw this dog at a shop. So cute lor, seating there like that quietly. Just like my dog, wahaha.

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